29 August 2023

Cap d'estudis de secundària

 Han estat algo més de 5 cursos com a cap d'estudis de secundària i finalment passo el relleu! Una experiència més de la que m'enduc moments dolços i amargs... Però un bon sac de coneixements i ganes de reprendre 100% la innovació i la implicació a l'aula!

29 June 2023

Erasmus+: Steps Towards a Healthy School

Acaba el 3r projecte Erasmus. Aquesta vegada viatjo a Portugal amb un grup de 6 alumnes. Una vegada més, una gran experiència per tots!

15 June 2023

High School Diploma

A new adventure! High School Diploma. We started a new programme for those interested to get the American high school certificate or just improve English skills and get new experiences! It has been really worth it and we will go on working!

30 June 2020

Online Workshops: "Som Escola"

Covid pandemia was a real challenge for us. In the worse situations, we find the best ideas!



29 May 2020

Third year as European Parliament Ambassador School

In the second year of the project, Alessia joined me in this adventure. She enjoyed it so much that accepted to become the coordinator on this 3rd year of the project! 

The group of students involved, created an online infopoint with all our way through these years as Ambassadors! 

Click here to visit the web!


29 November 2019

En aquest curs escolar s'incorpora a l'equip na Maria i més professors començaran a gaudir i enriquir-se d'aquests projectes europeus. 


29 July 2018

Erasmus+ "Individual Digital learning in 21st Century"

School year 2017-2018 I started my 2nd Erasmus+ project. A 3 year project about digital learning. I travelled alone to Germany with 6 students: an amazing experience!