Personal Information

I was born in Barcelona on the 2nd August 1974. From my childhood until now the neighborhood has changed a lot. Those days our neighbourhood was surrounded by fields and hills, but the Olympic Games in 1992 changed all this. Now the neighborhood is totally connected to the city.

At Pau Casals I spent the first years of my education. From those wonderful years I've got all my classmates in my heart and now on Facebook too! It was in highschool where I was really lucky to have the pleasure to meet a group of extrordinary teachers. There, my English teacher Laura Martorell inspired me and gave me good advice.

In 1998 I finished my degree in English and German Philology at the University of Barcelona ( and went to Colchester to spent some months working at the Rose and Crown Hotel. There I decided that I needed some experience in other fields before starting working as an English teacher.

Ginadan, a sports clothing company in Barcelona,  was part of my life during almost 7 years. I've still got some good friends from that time. During those days I was able to practise English and German. However the most important think was the experience in business world that I gained and now I can transmit to my students.